Install webmail in Plesk


If Webmail is not activated in your Plesk Control Panel, it is possible to install it on the server at a later date. This help center article shows you how to do this.


  • Plesk Server

Install Webmail

To install a webmail service (Roundcube or Horde) on the server, navigate to Tools & Settings โ†’ Updates.

A new window opens here, where you can use the Add/remove product components button to call up the management of product components and subsequently install or remove components.

Under the category "Webmail services" you can select Roundcube or Horde and click on the Continue button to start the installation. This may take some time.

After installation, Roundcube or Horde must be configured for use on the respective domain.

Configuration of Roundcube & Horde

So that you can use your previously installed webmail service, it must first be set up for the respective domain. We use "Roundcube" or "Horde" as the standard webmail service here.

To do this, click on "Tools & Settings" in the Plesk Control Panel and then on "Webmail".

Make sure that "Roundcube or Horde" is activated here.

Once the respective webmail service has been activated, it can be used in the respective domain under Email โ†’ Email settings โ†’ respective domain.

After the previously installed webmail service has been selected here, you can save the settings by clicking on the Apply button.