Installation of drivers


Microsoft Windows Server 2016, 2019 and 2022 require additional drivers for the optimal performance of various components. These include, among others:

  • Network card
  • SCSI storage controller
  • RAM
  • Guest agent


  • Active Windows Server

Download the drivers

You can download the latest drivers as an ISO file from our Download portal.


ISO file

Once you have downloaded the ISO file, you can mount it in a virtual DVD drive by double-clicking on it. You may receive a security warning from Windows if you try to open the ISO file. Use the Open button to complete the process.

Then execute the file virtio-win-gt-x64.msi.


Follow the installation wizard by clicking Next and agree to the license terms in the next step.

You can then select the drivers to be installed. By default, all drivers are automatically preselected.

Then click on Install to start the installation.

The installation may take a few minutes and requires a subsequent restart.

Bus type of the system partition

After the server has been restarted, navigate to the creoline Customer Center at and select the server in question in the Server section. Then open the Storage tab.

The bus type of the boot partition (C:\) must now automatically display the type SAS. If a different value is displayed here, please contact our support after the driver installation so that the bus type can be changed manually.

The Virtio-SCSI driver is mandatory for optimal use of the NVMe SSD. Without the installation of this driver, the server is not able to work with a virtual SCSI controller, meaning that an outdated technology (IDE) must be used.

Installation of the VirtIO Win Guest Tools

The installation of the guest agent is necessary for a smooth use of the VirtIO drivers.

The installation file virtio-win-guest-tools.exe can be found in the unpacked driver directory. This has the name virtio-win-X.X.XXX. If you have downloaded and provided the ISO file, navigate to it and then also select virtio-win-guest-tools.exe.


Double-click on virtio-win-guest-tools to start the installation.

Accept the License terms and conditions here and continue with the installation by clicking on the Install button. A separate installation window will open, here you can continue with the installation by clicking the Next button.

You can then select the drivers to be installed. By default, all drivers are automatically preselected.

Then click on "Next" and then on "Install" to start the installation.

The installation may take a few minutes and requires a subsequent restart of the Windows server.

Problems with the installation?

If you encounter unexpected problems during the driver installation or the installation of the memory controller, please contact our Support directly so that we can assist you with troubleshooting.