Connect domain with Shopware 6

If you have selected the option "Shopware 6 pre-installation" when ordering, we will provide you with Shopware on the working domain of your server. You can either set it up via the working domain or set up your own domain.

DNS settings

In order for the HTTP requests to be routed to your Shopware server, the corresponding DNS zone must be adjusted. You can determine the correct IP addresses (IPv4 and IPv6) via the master data server view in the Customer Center. Then add the following DNS entries to the DNS zone of the desired domain:

RR-Type Host Domain (example) Value
A IPv4 address of your Shopware server
A www IPv4 address of your Shopware server
AAAA IPv6 address of your Shopware server
AAAA www IPv6 address of your Shopware server

Please note that changes to the DNS zone can take up to 24 hours to propagate worldwide. You can use our free DNS lookup tool to check the resolution at any time.

Set up domain in Plesk

After the HTTP requests have been routed to the Shopware in the previous step, they must now be routed from the server to the desired Shopware instance. To do this, log in to the Plesk-Control-Panel via our customer center.

Navigate to the menu item Tools & Settings → Service Management.

Stop the PHP-FPM 8.2 service via the stop icon. Then navigate to Websites & Domains and open the working domain, if it is not already expanded.

Click on the ... button for the working domain ( and select Change domain name.

Then enter the desired domain (without www.). In this example we use the domain

Then navigate again to Tools & Settings → Service Management and activate the PHP 8.2 FPM service again.

Customization of the sales channel

The last step is to customize the Shopware 6 sales channel. Log in to the Shopware administration via the previously customized domain by calling up the domain with the path /admin. E.g.

Next, call up the sales channel settings and scroll to the Domains section. Adjust the working domain we have prepared to your desired domain here. Please note that Shopware 6 distinguishes between http://, https://, www. and the variant without prefix. Therefore, only configure the desired variant, e.g.

Finally, save the settings using the Save button. It is not necessary to clear the Shopware cache manually.

Finally, you can call up the sales channel via the previously configured domain to check whether your settings have been applied correctly.