Secure Shopware 6 with an SSL certificate

Once you have fully set up the desired domain for your sales channel, you can apply for an SSL certificate for your store domain. You can choose between our commercial SSL certificates or a free certificate from the certification authority Let's Encrypt.

Set up Let's Encrypt certificate

First log in to the Plesk-Control-Panel via our Customer Center and navigate to your store domain.

In the Security category, select the SSL/TLS certificates button.

Then select the Install button under the menu item "Free basic certificate from Let's Encrypt ".

Enter your e-mail address and select the options Protect domain name and "Protect www subdomain for the domain and all selected aliases".

Issuing a wildcard certificate requires a regular adjustment of the DNS zone so that the certificate cannot be renewed automatically. Therefore, do not select this option.

Then click on Use free of charge to apply for the certificate and set it up automatically.