Redis - Max Memory & Key Eviction Policy


To ensure that Redis does not exceed the maximum physical working memory, several so-called Key Eviction Policies are available, which make it possible to automatically remove the stored keys based on the criteria defined in the policy until the memory limit is reached.


  • Redis server (with root access)

Customize configuration

Connect to your Redis server via SSH, for example, and log in as the SSH root user.

Open the Redis configuration file with an editor of your choice, we use nano in this case:

nano /etc/redis/redis.conf

The Redis service must be restarted after every change:

systemctl restart redis-server.service

Max Memory

The Max Memory setting allows you to limit the amount of memory used by Redis. Search for maxmemory in the configuration file and define the desired value.

maxmemory 4GB # sets the limit to 4 GiB

The following table shows the possible sizes of the maximum memory size:

value definition
500MB 500 MiB
1GB 1 GiB
4GB 4 GiB
8GB 8 GiB
12GB 12 GiB
16GB 16 GiB 16 GiB

The suffixes mb, gb are interpreted as binary prefixes (IEC prefixes). More about memory sizes →

Max Memory Policy

The Max Memory Policy setting defines the deletion behavior of Redis if the addition of data records results in the Max Memory Limit being exceeded.

Search for maxmemory-policy in the configuration file and set the desired key eviction policy.

maxmemory-policy volatile-ttl # default setting

Key Eviction Policies

The following table contains a summary of all key eviction policies supported by Redis and their description.

Policy Description
noeviction Keys are not deleted, server returns an error message as soon as an attempt is made to add a record
allkeys-lru Deletes the least recently used data records
allkeys-lfu Deletes the most recently used data records
allkeys-random Deletes random records
volatile-lru Deletes the least recently used records, which have also expired
volatile-lfu Deletes the most recently used data records, which have also expired
volatile-random Deletes random data records that have expired
volatile-ttl Deletes expired data records with the shortest Time-To-Live (TTL) value

Recommendations for specific web applications

Web application Recommended policy
Shopware 6 volatile-lru
JTL Shop 5 allkeys-lru
Nextcloud allkeys-lru
WordPress allkeys-lru