Database backups

This help center article describes how backups of individual or all MySQL databases can be created or restored using the Linux software mysqldump or a shell script. The automated database backups are suitable for creating hourly backups of all databases, for example.

An active SSH session with the user 'root' is required for this article.

Create database backup via CLI

The Linux software mysqldump can be used to create backups of individual databases in just a few steps. To do this, first log in to your creoline server via SSH.

Back up a specific MySQL database

Replace DATABASE_NAME with the database name and backup.sql with the file name of your backup:

mkdir -p /var/backups/mysql/

cd /var/backups/mysql/

mysqldump --single-transaction DATABASE_NAME > backup.sql

Back up all MySQL databases:

Replace backup.sql with the file name of your backup:

mkdir -p /var/backups/mysql/

cd /var/backups/mysql/

mysqldump --single-transaction --all-databases > backup.sql

Restore database backup via CLI

To restore the backup of an existing database, first log in to your creoline server via SSH. Then execute the following command to restore the backup backup.sql of the database DATABASE_NAME:

cd /var/backups/mysql/

mysql DATABASE_NAME < backup.sql

Scheduled automatic backups

Use cd to navigate to the desired script directory and create a shell script named .

cd /var/backups


set -e


MYSQL_DBNAME=<database name>

DATE=$(date +"%m_%d_%Y")_$(date +"%H_%M")

# Create Backup Directory if not exists
if [ ! -d $BACKUP_DIR ]; then
    echo -e "Creating Backup directory $BACKUP_DIR"
    mkdir -p $BACKUP_DIR

# Create Backup
echo "Creating MySQL Backup $MYSQL_USER@$MYSQL_HOST for $MYSQL_DBNAME"

mariadb-dump --single-transaction --host=$MYSQL_HOST --user=$MYSQL_USER --password=$MYSQL_PASS --max_allowed_packet=1024M $MYSQL_DBNAME | gzip > $BACKUP_DIR/$BACKUP_FILENAME.sql.gz

# replace "mariadb-dump" with "mysqldump" if you're using MySQL instead of MariaDB

echo "MySQL Backup $BACKUP_FILENAME has been created succesfully"

# Remove old backups
ls -tr | head -n -$(($KEEP_LATEST)) | xargs --no-run-if-empty rm

echo "Old MySQL Backups has been cleaned succesfully"

In this example, the --single-transaction option for InnoDB tables is used to start a global transaction to ensure the integrity of the data to be saved. The storage engine MyISAM does not support transactions. If you also want to back up MyISAM tables with this script, the --lock-tables option should be used instead.

Then make sure that the script has the right to execute:

chmod +x

The script can then be tested as follows:


The first complete MySQL backup should then be mapped in the directory /var/backups/mysql:

ls -lah /var/mysql/backups

# Example output:
47M total
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4,0K 21. Dec 17:01 .
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4,0K 21. Dec 16:31 ...
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 47M Dec 21 17:01 backup_12-21-2022_17:01:00.sql.gz

The MySQL backups are compressed using gzip. If the backup is to be restored, the backup must first be unpacked. ( E.g.: gunzip backup_12-21-2022_17:01:00.sql.gz )

Create cronjob

For the automatic execution of database backups, either a Linux cronjob or a cronjob can be created via our customer center.

Customer Center Cronjob

You can find detailed instructions on how to create a cronjob via our customer center in the help center article Cronjobs.

Linux cronjob

Open the crontab editor using the command crontab -e.

 crontab -e

Hourly backups, at minute 0:

0 * * * * * /var/backups/


Daily backups, at 00:00:

0 0 * * * /var/backups/


After adding the line, exit the crontab editor using the key combination CTRL + X. You will then be asked whether the changes should be saved. To do this, use the Y key (for Yes) and then press the Enter key. The crontab editor confirms the successful adjustment via the output:

crontab: installing new crontab