
You can use our customer center to create cron jobs based on HTTP requests or SSH commands. To manage the cronjobs, first log in to the Customer Center at with your access data and navigate to the menu item Tools → Cronjobs.

Create cronjob

To create a new cronjob, click on the Create cronjob button.

Cronjob Übersicht

Our cronjobs support the following types:

Type Description
HTTP request In this mode, an HTTP request is sent to the defined URL at the specified interval.
SSH command In this mode, an SSH command is triggered on the target server at the specified interval.
Guest agent command In this mode, a direct shell command is triggered on the target server at the specified interval.

Please make sure that incoming TCP connections to the target server are allowed if you use the type "HTTP request" or "SSH command". A list of our IP ranges can be found below.

Cronjob erstellen

The execution interval can be configured as either relative or absolute. To define more complex time intervals, first save the cron job with one of the predefined intervals and then select the Change interval button in the Interval area.

Intervall ändern

Then adjust the desired interval in cron style and select the desired time zone. New cron jobs are automatically created in coordinated universal time.

Edit cronjob

Select a cronjob to open the overview of a cronjob. You can use this view to adjust individual values of the cronjob or schedule the immediate execution of the cronjob.

Cronjob bearbeiten

Action Description
Pause cronjob Pauses the job until it is activated manually again
Execute cronjob immediately Executes the job regardless of the currently defined interval
Edit master data Change cronjob master data such as name or status
Edit HTTP call Change the target URL, the expected HTTP status code or timeouts
Edit interval Changing the interval
Delete cronjob Deletes the cronjob

If the cronjob is deleted, it can take up to five minutes until no further executions are triggered.


Using the notifications, you can trigger e-mails, SMS or webhooks if the cronjob was executed successfully or incorrectly.

To do this, switch to the Notifications tab and click on Add notification.

Supported channels:

Channel Supported events
Email Successful, Error, Timeout, Overlay
Webhook Successful, Error, Timeout, Overlay
SMS Successful, Error, Timeout, Overlay

When creating the notification, select the desired channel and activate the desired events that are to trigger this notification.

IP address range for calling cronjobs

Please ensure that the following IP addresses are permitted by your cloud or software firewall for the execution of the cron job.


Incoming TCP connections on ports 80 and 443 should be enabled for the HTTP call. Cronjobs of the type SSH command, on the other hand, require incoming TCP connections on port 22.

No firewall rules are required for the Guest Agent Command type.

If the target server is a creoline server, you can also use the dynamic firewall rule "Cronjob-Server" instead of manually specifying the individual IP addresses. This dynamic firewall rule automatically allows all cronjob servers.

Frequently asked questions

**What happens if the execution takes longer than the set interval, so that executions would be overlapped?

Our cronjob system automatically recognizes whether a job is being executed for longer than the set interval and skips the scheduled execution if the last execution has not yet been completed.

**What happens if the execution takes longer than the set timeout?

If the cronjob cannot be completed within the set timeout, the execution is evaluated as an error and acknowledged with the status 124 in the execution log. Increase the timeout value or adjust the cronjob so that it is completed sooner. If the cronjob continues to return a status code 124 despite the maximum timeout of 10,800 seconds (3 hours), the cronjob should be optimized so that a runtime of less than 3 hours can be guaranteed.

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