Installation ionCube with LiteSpeed


If you would like to use the ionCube extension on your website and/or online store, our installation guide will show you how to install and configure the service on your server.


  • Plesk Control Panel
  • LiteSpeed

Currently the ionCube loader extension is not available for PHP 8.3! Status: 26.04.2024

When installing the ionCube extension on a Plesk server with LiteSpeed installed, avoid using the apt command to install the extension, as this will jeopardize the proper functioning and integrity of your server!


First log in to the Plesk Control Panel and navigate to the menu item Tools & Settings → General Settings → PHP Settings.


In the following overview, select the PHP handler for which you would like to install the ionCube extension. We install ionCube for PHP-8.2.18-FPM in this guide.

The Domains column shows you how many domains use the corresponding PHP handler. If you select the number, you will be shown an overview of your domains that use this handler.

Übersicht PHP-Handler

The following view gives you an overview of all installed PHP extensions for the corresponding handler and you can activate or deactivate them as required using the respective slider. If you would like to add further extensions, click on the Manage PECL packages button.

Overview of installed/activated extensions

Enter e.g. ionCube in the search field on the right-hand side to display the corresponding installation package. Then install ionCube by selecting the Plus symbol.

Installation PECL-Paket

Once the installation has been successfully completed, the package is displayed in the overview of installed PHP extensions for the respective PHP handler.

Activation of the extension in LiteSpeed

Since LiteSpeed uses a separate PHP process, this must be restarted after installation via Plesk PECL Manager so that ionCube can be used.

To perform this step, navigate to the overview of your installed Plesk extensions via Extensions → My extensions. Select the Open button for the LiteSpeed extension to open the LiteSpeed administration

There you have the option of restarting the separate LiteSpeed PHP process (Detached PHP Process).

To do this, click on the "Restart Detached PHP Processes" button.

You will then receive a confirmation that the corresponding processes will be restarted during/before the next use and the ionCube extension is thus available to the server.