Activate PHP 8 JIT compiler in Plesk

In this article we explain how to enable and configure the PHP 8 JIT compiler in Plesk Obsidian.


The following prerequisites must be met in order to activate the JIT compiler:

  • Plesk Obsidian 18.0.33 or higher
  • Enabled OPcache in the Plesk PHP settings (opcache.enable)
  • PHP 8.0, PHP 8.1, PHP 8.2 or PHP 8.3 installation (e.g. via the Plesk graphical user interface)
  • SSH root access

If PHP 8.0, PHP 8.1, PHP 8.2 or PHP 8.3 has not yet been installed on your creoline server, please refer to the article PHP 8 Installation for step-by-step instructions on how to install PHP 8 via the Plesk graphical user interface.

Activation of the JIT compiler

For the activation it is necessary that an additional PHP configuration file for the PHP 8 FPM handler is stored on the server.

The runtime configuration cannot be activated via the PHP settings in the Plesk graphical user interface.

Execute the following shell command via SSH on your creoline server:

# PHP 8.0
echo -e 'opcache.jit_buffer_size=100M\nopcache.jit=1255' > /opt/plesk/php/8.0/etc/php.d/opcache_jit.ini

# PHP 8.1
echo -e 'opcache.jit_buffer_size=100M\nopcache.jit=1255' > /opt/plesk/php/8.1/etc/php.d/opcache_jit.ini

# PHP 8.2
echo -e 'opcache.jit_buffer_size=100M\nopcache.jit=1255' > /opt/plesk/php/8.2/etc/php.d/opcache_jit.ini

# PHP 8.3
echo -e 'opcache.jit_buffer_size=100M\nopcache.jit=1255' > /opt/plesk/php/8.3/etc/php.d/opcache_jit.ini

After the configuration file has been saved, PHP 8 must be reloaded so that the configuration is activated:

# PHP 8.0
systemctl reload plesk-php80-fpm

# PHP 8.1
systemctl reload plesk-php81-fpm

# PHP 8.2
systemctl reload plesk-php82-fpm

# PHP 8.3
systemctl reload plesk-php83-fpm

The following PHP script can be used to check whether the JIT compiler has been activated correctly:


echo '<pre>';

Example output:

    [enabled] => 1
    [on] => 1
    [kind] => 5
    [opt_level] => 5
    [opt_flags] => 6
    [buffer_size] => 104857584
    [buffer_free] => 104855104

In order to test whether the JIT compiler is active, the opcache_get_status function must be explicitly activated in Plesk. In the standard Plesk installation, the function is deactivated in the PHP settings under "disable_functions" for security reasons.

Configuration of the JIT compiler

The configuration of the JIT compiler is defined via the opcache.jit variable. E.G: opcache.jit=1255

Each individual digit represents a configuration parameter setting. A detailed explanation can be found in the official RFC (

CPU specific optimization flags (C)

Parameter 1

0 - none
1 - enable AVX instruction generation

Register Allocation (R)

Parameter 2

0 - dont perform register allocation
1 - use local liner-scan register allocator
2 - use global liner-scan register allocator

JIT trigger (T)

Parameter 3

0 - JIT all functions on first script load
1 - JIT function on first execution
2 - Profile on first request and compile hot functions on second request
3 - Profile on the fly and compile hot functions
4 - Compile functions with @jit tag in doc-comments
5 - Tracing JIT

Optimization level (O)

Parameter 4

0 - dont JIT
1 - minimal JIT (call standard VM handlers)
2 - selective VM handler inlining
3 - optimized JIT based on static type inference of individual function
4 - optimized JIT based on static type inference and call tree
5 - optimized JIT based on static type inference and inner procedure analyses

Example configuration

In our example configuration, we use the following settings:


Parameter Value Description
CPU specific optimization flags 1 enable AVX instruction generation
Register Allocation 2 use global liner-scan register allocator
JIT trigger 5 Tracing JIT
Optimization level 5 optimized JIT based on static type inference and inner procedure analyses