Configure message queue with Redis

If several processes are to be used to process messages from the Shopware 6 message queue, it must be ensured that identical messages are not processed by the same consumers. This requires the use of a technology that supports the atomic blocking of messages. Redis]( or RabbitMQ are suitable for this purpose.

Preparation in Shopware

First, the Admin Worker must be deactivated so that the message queue can be processed via a background process. More information on deactivating the Admin Worker and the initial setup via a Systemd Service can be found here: Set up Shopware 6 Background Queue Worker.

Configuration of the Shopware environment configuration

Create a new configuration file under the path: config/packages/messenger.yaml. This configuration file can be used to configure the Shopware Messenger transport service. Then add the following content to the file:

  env(MESSENGER_CONSUMER_NAME): 'consumer'

        dsn: "redis://%env(REDIS_HOST)%:%env(REDIS_PORT)%/messages/symfony/consumer-%env(MESSENGER_CONSUMER_NAME)%/?delete_after_ack=true&delete_after_reject=true&dbindex=%env(REDIS_DB_MESSENGER)%"

The following environment variables are used in this configuration file:

Variable Description
MESSENGER_CONSUMER_NAME Name of the consumer (the name must be unique for each consumer) Definition in the systemd services
REDIS_HOST Host name or IP address for the Redis server Definition in the .env.local
REDIS_PORT TCP port for Redis connections (default: 6379) Definition in the .env.local
REDIS_DB_MESSENGER Redis database for the messenger Definition in the .env.local

The variables used here must then be added to the Shopware environment configuration .env.local. To do this, open the .env.local file in the Shopware root directory and add the following part to the existing configuration:

# .env.local

# [...]


The environment variable MESSENGER_CONSUMER_NAME must be overwritten by the systemd or supervisor service so that the execution of several simultaneous consumers can also be supported.

Then save the file and empty the Shopware cache via the console:

bin/console cache:clear

The Shopware message queue is then executed via Redis.

Configuration of the Systemd services

In the next step, the Systemd services must be prepared for the execution of the message queue consumer. To do this, an Environment directive must be added for each consumer.

Example for the Systemd service:

# consumer1

# Unique Messenger Consumer Name

# [..]
# consumer2

# Unique Messenger Consumer Name

# [..]

Then execute the command systemctl daemon-reload so that the changes take effect. Then restart the associated Systemd services with the command systemctl restart shopware_consumer_*.

Finally, check whether the messenger:consume processes are working properly.

systemctl status shopware_consumer_*

Example output:

โ— shopware_consumer.service - Shopware Message Queue Consumer #1
     Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/shopware_consumer.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
     Active: active (running) since Thu 2022-12-01 14:00:00 CET; 60s ago
   Main PID: 501963 (php)
      Tasks: 1 (limit: 19169)
     Memory: 111.8M
        CPU: 11.298s
     CGroup: /system.slice/shopware_consumer.service
             โ””โ”€501963 php /var/www/ messenger:consume --time-limit=120 --memory-limit=512M

Dec 01 14:01:00 systemd[1]: Started Shopware Message Queue Consumer #1.
Dec 01 14:01:00 php[501963]:  [OK] Consuming messages from transports "default".
Dec 01 14:01:00 php[501963]: // The worker will automatically exit once it has exceeded 512M of memory, been
Dec 01 14:01:00 php[501963]: // running for 121s or received a stop signal via the messenger:stop-workers
Dec 01 14:01:00 php[501963]: // command.
Dec 01 14:01:00 php[501963]: // Quit the worker with CONTROL-C.
Dec 01 14:01:00 php[501963]: // Re-run the command with a -vv option to see logs about consumed messages.