PHP 8 Installation

To install additional components such as PHP 8.0, PHP 8.1, PHP 8.2 and PHP 8.3 for your managed server, first log in to the customer center at with your access data.

Then navigate to the server for which you want to provide additional components and perform a login to the Plesk Control Panel.

Install PHP 8 component

Navigate to the menu item Tools & Settings โ†’ Updates

Select the Add/Remove Components button and then expand the tree structure as follows: Web hosting โ†’ PHP interpreter versions.

Activate the options PHP 8.0, PHP 8.1, PHP 8.2 and PHP 8.3 and confirm your entry via the Next button. The new PHP 8.0, PHP 8.1, PHP 8.2 and PHP 8.3 components will now be installed in the background.

Provide PHP handler

After the new PHP version has been installed, it must be ensured that the new version is activated. To do this, navigate to Tools & Settings โ†’ PHP Settings and check whether the new version is activated.

Three different handlers are available for each PHP version:

  • FPM application
  • FastCGI application
  • Dedicated FPM application

Activate PHP 8 version for your website

After the successful installation of PHP 8, the desired websites must be explicitly activated for PHP 8. To do this, navigate to the previous tab for the desired subscription.

You can then use the PHP settings button to select the previously installed PHP 8 version.

PHP 8 Extensions

The following extensions can currently be installed for PHP 8:

  • APCu
  • JIT-Compiler
  • Redis](/en/doc/redis-fur-plesk-obsidian-php-8-fpm-install-Fcp6DxWkLK)