Cloud firewall

The Cloud Firewall offers ideal firewall protection to secure your server services. The rule evaluation is already applied before the connection to your server, so that the blocking or acceptance of network packets does not have to pass through your server.

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General information

The cloud firewall enables packet filtering on the network router in front of it, so that network packets do not have to be filtered by the actual server. Compared to a software-based server firewall, the cloud firewall therefore enables upstream filtering. The cloud firewall can be used for individual or all network cards, making complex filtering possible.

General settings

To be able to use the cloud firewall for certain network cards, it must be activated in the Network → Network cards area of the server. By default, the firewall is only activated for WAN network cards.

Rule types

The cloud firewall distinguishes between static and dynamic rules. You can find more information on this in the article Rule types.

Firewall rules

The individual firewall rules can be managed in the Firewall → Firewall rules section. Detailed instructions on managing firewall rules can be found in the article Firewall rules.

Firewall settings - Server