Import & export Plesk database


If you want to import and/or export databases via your Plesk Control Panel, our guide will show you how to do this on your Plesk server.


  • Plesk Control Panel

Import database into Plesk

The following explains how you can import a database using an existing MySQL dump via the Plesk Control Panel.

To import databases, first log in to your Plesk Control Panel via the Customer Center. Then create a database under Databases by first selecting the subscription to which the database is to be assigned.

Use the Add database button to start creating a new database.

In the next step, enter a name for the database and select the corresponding website from the subscription. If necessary, you can then create a database user that is required to use the database. If you already have an existing database user in the subscription who has access to all databases in the subscription, you do not need to create a new user here.

Then use the Import image button to upload the MySQL dump from your local device. If you have already stored the file in a directory on the server, you can also use this file. Do not end the Plesk session until you have received a notification from Plesk that the import process has been completed.

Export database to Plesk

The following explains how you can export a database via the Plesk Control Panel.

By using the Plesk function to export databases, Plesk uses the LOCK TABLES statement for the database to lock the database for write operations for the duration of the export. This may cause problems with your web application for the duration of the export. We recommend exporting the database via CLI / shell to prevent the tables from being locked.

To import databases, first log in to your Plesk Control Panel via the customer center.

Then select the subscription to which the database is to be assigned via Databases and then the database to be exported.

The Export image button creates a MySQL dump of the selected database and saves it on the server. If you want to download the file directly to your local end device, you can select the Download image automatically after creation checkbox. Then use the OK button to start the export.