Set up Plesk Single-Sign-On

Using the Plesk SSO (Single-Sign-On) function, you can create an administrator session or user session for your Plesk Control Panel from the Customer Center. Manual authentication via the Plesk login interface is no longer necessary, allowing you to manage multiple Plesk servers centrally via the Customer Center.


  • Access to the creoline customer center
  • Authorizations to manage server control panels
  • Registered control panel in the "Control Panels" tab
  • Active dynamic firewall rule "Plesk Single-Sign-On"

Activate function

In the Customer Center, navigate to the Control Panels tab and add a new control panel using the Add Control Panel button.

Please enter the access data for your control panel in the following window.

property value
Type Currently only the Plesk Control Panel is supported
Name A name defined by you for the access
Server The complete address of the server, e.g.
Port The port of the control panel, Plesk uses port 8443 by default.
Username The default username for Plesk is "admin"
Password The password associated with the user

Only a user with API authorizations can be used for the automated Control Panel login. This includes the user "root", "admin" and all additional administrator accounts.

Select the "Show in server overview" option if you want to use this control panel as the default control panel. Please note that only one access can be used at a time. If another control panel is already active in the server overview, it is automatically deactivated when this option is activated.

Add firewall rule

In order for the Plesk SSO connection to be established, it is necessary that a connection to the Control Panel API can be established. This connection is first initialized via our servers and then transferred to your browser. For this reason, the Control Panel API must be accessible from our server.

Navigate to the "Firewall" tab and select the Add dynamic rule button.

Select the "Plesk Single-Sign-On" group and save the new rule. Plesk SSO sessions can then be set up directly via the Customer Center.

Also make sure that the firewall allows an incoming TCP connection to the control panel port from your IP address so that the session can be fully established.