Server Support Setup

To grant our support team access to your managed server, the following two steps are required.

1) Authorization via SSH

Please enter the public creoline SSH key in your SSH key file (/root/.ssh/authorized_keys) to give our support temporary access to your server.

Public SSH key

ssh-rsa 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

2) Authorization via firewall setting

Please also ensure that our support is authorized to access the server via SSH. To do this, navigate to the Firewall tab.

Select the Create dynamic rule button to add a new dynamic firewall rule.

Select the creoline Support group. It is not necessary to specify the network card if you only have a WAN interface.

Then make sure that the previously added rule is applied before all blocking rules. If rules with the "Discard" or "Block" action are executed before the new rule, move the new rule to the previous position.