Customize public partner profile


You have the possibility to customize and individualize your partner profile on our public partner page.


  • Participation in the partner program

Customize partner profile

To customize the public partner profile on our partner page, first log in to our customer center at with your access data.

Then open the organization overview at the top left by clicking on the gear wheel symbol next to your organization information.

Then use the Partner profile tab to access the settings for your public partner profile. You can now view the public information of your partner profile on the page displayed and adjust it according to your wishes.

In the partner profile, you can customize the following items that are relevant for your public partner profile.

The changes are immediately displayed publicly on our public partner page.

You can view the result of your changes in your partner profile under the public partner page.

Change options

Here you will find a short list of possible changes to your public partner profile:

  • Associated internet address (website, support, privacy policy, imprint)
  • Logo
  • Description (short)
  • Description (long)
  • Services