Manage organizations

In this article, you will learn how to create and manage new organizations. General information on the structure of organizations and users can be found here.

Create organization

First log in to the Customer Center at and navigate to the menu item My account → Organizations.

A new organization can be created using the Create organization button.

field explanation
Organization name The name of the organization is displayed for all members of the organization.
Company The name of the invoice recipient incl. legal form
Address line 1 First address line in the letterhead
Address line 2 Second address line in the letterhead
Postcode Postcode in letterhead
City City in letterhead
Country Country for letterhead

By creating the organization, you automatically become the initial legal owner of the new organization. The legal owner can be subsequently replaced via the organization settings.

Owner of an organization

The user account of the beneficial owner in the case of legal entities or the owner in the case of natural persons must always be filed as the owner of the organization.

Regardless of the available rights & roles concept, the owner user account is the only one authorized to determine a new owner for the organization. In addition, no rights can be withdrawn from the owner by other administrators via role management.