Adjust billing type

You can use the billing type setting to decide whether items from a contract should be billed within the cumulative monthly invoice or separately. Please note that the billing date is ignored if you select "Single invoice".

Billing types

Setting Explanation
In this setting, you will receive a cumulative invoice on the billing date of the associated organization. All contracts and items are invoiced together.
Single invoice With this setting, the items from the selected contract are billed separately. The billing date is ignored and you receive a separate invoice on the contract billing date.

Change setting

Log in to the Customer Center at and navigate to the menu item My Organization → Contracts. Select the desired contract for which you want to adjust the setting.

Select the Change billing type button. In the following dialog box, you can select whether you want to bill this contract together or individually. Then confirm your entry by clicking the Save changes button.

With the "Single invoice" setting, you will receive a separate invoice on the contract billing date without taking the billing date into account.

The "Joint invoice" setting is preselected by default for new contracts.