Transfer ownership rights

It is possible to transfer the owner rights of an organization to another user in the Customer Center. These instructions show you how to successfully define a new owner for your organization.

After you have changed the new owner for your organization, the owner permission is removed from your current user and transferred to the new user.

Invite new owner

To appoint a new owner for your organization, the user notified as the new owner must first be invited to the relevant organization. This is done via the member administration, the organization administration.


You can invite new members to your organization by clicking on the Invite user button. In addition, you can already define the role of the new member and thus the access authorizations for the new member in the following form.

The new user can only be assigned the Owner role once the invitation has been accepted.

Invite pop-up user to organization

In this process, the invited user receives all important information to confirm the invitation to the new organization by e-mail to the specified e-mail address. The invitation must then be confirmed via the link in the above e-mail.

All important information about the roles within an organization can be found at: Role administration

Designate as owner

After the invitation has been accepted by the new user, the owner must define the new owner in the Master data tab in the organization administration. To do this, click on the blue button Define new owner.

Master data of your organization

From here you can set the previously invited user as the new owner of your organization.

Please activate the checkbox that you agree that the new owner receives all rights for the organization and that you lose the right to define a new owner through this operation.

By clicking on the Save changes button, you apply the settings you have made previously and have successfully defined a new user as the owner of the organization.

This completes the change of ownership of your organization.