Web console

A native web console (VNC) for remote administration is available for all creoline servers. If your chosen operating system allows graphical input and output, you can start the console via our customer center.

Call up web console

Log into our customer center with your access data at account.creoline.de and navigate to the menu item: Server and then select the desired server for which you want to start the Web Console.

You can start the console via the Web Console button.

To run the web console, pop-up windows must be activated in your web browser.

Due to the technology used, a shared clipboard is currently disabled for security reasons.

Firewall configuration

No configuration of the cloud firewall is required for the web console. The network connection required to display the console is secured via an internal server using SSL and is only available for your customer center session. Once the web console has been closed, the VNC session is also closed automatically.