Send connectors

With the send connectors you can enable the pure sending of e-mails via the SMTP protocol on behalf of specific domains. Each send connector can, for example, be stored in a creoline Managed Server or a Microsoft® Exchange® Server as a relay host in order to send outgoing e-mails via creoline E-Mail Protection.

Create send connector

In the Customer Center, navigate to the menu item Email Protection → Send Connectors and click on the Create Send Connector button.

Enter an individual name for the send connector so that it can be identified more easily at a later date. If the send connector is used as a relay host for an existing managed server, we recommend using the host name of the server as the name.

Authorize domain to send

After the send connector has been successfully created, navigate to the Authorized Domains tab.

You can use the Add domain button to authorize a new domain for sending.

Enter the full domain to be authorized for sending. If you want to send emails via a subdomain, e.g., you must enter the full domain, i.e.

Verify domain ownership

To obtain sending rights for the domain, you must verify the ownership of the domain.

To do this, create a new DNS entry of the RR type TXT with your DNS provider. The specified value, e.g. creoline-verification=86e1828056287e279c93eb37ee8b7a8a6c71c097 must be accepted without spaces.

The DNS entry must not be removed after successful verification, as e-mail protection checks the ownership of the domain again at regular intervals. If the DNS entry is removed, you automatically lose the sender rights for the authorized domain.

Once the ownership of the domain has been successfully verified, the domain is automatically displayed in the authorized domains.

SPF test

The SPF check additionally checks your authorized domain for the necessary 'SPF include' mechanism.

If the SPF check fails, check your associated DNS zone for the necessary include mechanism. If this is not available, your emails may be rejected by the target mail servers, depending on the settings.

Example DNS SPF record:

Example using the domain 3600 IN TXT "v=spf1 a mx -all"

Create a new DNS entry of RR type TXT for the domain you want to authorize. In this example, the above entry is created for

You can check your SPF record at any time with our DNS Dig tool:

If the mechanism is not displayed in your SPF record, add it manually.

The SPF entry is only checked automatically every 60 minutes, so it may take a few hours before the SPF check is marked as successful.

DKIM check

You can publish the necessary TXT entry in your DNS zone so that emails can also be signed using the DKIM procedure.

RR type: TXT
Host: creoline._domainkey
Value: v=DKIM1; h=sha256; k=rsa; p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQDR0NpA0A91JTIFCBSzmrQU6T6adwC8IM5KE7jUjclB/H8ipI+/e7AabDmEQ3IM51IAVnZSD/KDh9v/7Y+RKu9XSiH/1lNL5HinWb3zncqeqOPx6eaoKSM1iA9YdsNvW9NOTEwZEM0e7sNjkNsMJMtmgGtrk3GUVSLnGA21k2hjfwIDAQAB
TTL: 86400

Example DNS DKIM record:       3600 IN TXT "v=DKIM1; h=sha256; k=rsa; p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQDR0NpA0A91JTIFCBSzmrQU6T6adwC8IM5KE7jUjclB/H8ipI+/e7AabDmEQ3IM51IAVnZSD/KDh9v/7Y+RKu9XSiH/1lNL5HinWb3zncqeqOPx6eaoKSM1iA9YdsNvW9NOTEwZEM0e7sNjkNsMJMtmgGtrk3GUVSLnGA21k2hjfwIDAQAB"

You can check your DKIM record at any time with our DNS Dig tool:

The DKIM entry is only checked automatically every 60 minutes, so it may take a few hours before the DKIM check is marked as successful.

SMTP access data

Use the following SMTP access data to send e-mails:

Property Value
SMTP server SMTP server is displayed in the customer center
SMTP user name: User name is displayed in the Customer Center
SMTP password: Password is displayed in the customer center
SMTP port: 587 (STARTTLS) or 465 (SSL/TLS)

You can find out the valid access data for your send connector in the Customer Center under E-mail Protection → Send Connectors.

Rate limits apply for sending emails via our send connector. You can find more information on the currently valid rate limits in the article:

Sendconnector - Rate Limits