Reasons for rejecting an e-mail

This article describes the reasons why an e-mail is rejected by us.

If you have been informed by a sender that it was not possible to deliver an email to you, the sender's email server is configured incorrectly.

The following reasons lead to an immediate rejection of the incoming e-mail:

  • RDNS entry from the e-mail server differs or has not been set
  • SPF hard fail
  • E-mail server is on a real-time blocklist (RBL)
  • E-mail ENVELOPE sender is on a real-time blocklist (RBL)
  • E-mail FROM domain is on a real-time blocklist (RBL)
  • E-mail contains a virus
  • DKIM signature is invalid
  • DMARC policy setting 'REJECT
  • At least one e-mail attachment contains a dangerous executable file
  • The recipient's e-mail address does not support e-mail reception (e.g. due to a noreply e-mail address)
  • The maximum size of an e-mail has been exceeded (100 MB)
  • The e-mail does not comply with RFC 5322 (

Real-Time Blocklists (RBL)

If the sender's mail server is listed on a real-time blocklist, the sender receives the following error message in the SMTP dialog:

550 5.7.1 Service unavailable; client [] blocked using;,

To ensure future delivery, the sender's mail server must be removed from the real-time blocklist. The following RBLs are used to check incoming emails:

The sender's mail server can be removed from the real-time blocklist via the Spamhaus Blocklist Removal Center.

The sender's mail server can be removed from the real-time blocklist using the Delist function.

The sender's mail server can be removed from the real-time blocklist using the Delist function.

The sender's mail server can be removed from the real-time blocklist using the Removal Form.

The sender's mail server can be removed from the real-time blocklist using the Removal Form.

The sender's mail server can be removed from the real-time blocklist using the Removal Form.

The sender's mail server can be removed from the real-time blocklist using the Removal Form.

The sender's mail server can be removed from the real-time blocklist via a Removal Request.

The sender's mail server can be removed from the real-time blocklist via a Removal Request.

The sender's mail server can be removed from the real-time blocklist via a Removal Request.

The sender's mail server can be removed from the real-time blocklist via a Removal Request.

The sender's mail server can be removed from the real-time blocklist via a Removal Request.

Dangerous executable content

The following file types cannot be sent as attachments:

  • application/javascript (js,jsm,mjs)
  • application/x-executable
  • application/x-java (class)
  • application/x-ms-dos-executable (exe)
  • message/partial
  • Files with the extension: VBS
  • Files with the extension: PIF
  • Files with the extension: INK
  • Files with the extension: EXE
  • Files with the extension: SHS
  • Files with the extension: SHB
  • Files with the extension: JAR
  • Files with the extension: BIN
  • Files with the extension: ISO


If, despite checking all the above factors, an e-mail is still rejected, we will be happy to provide you with detailed clarification.

Please send us an email to to let us know which specific email was rejected. We need the following information to be able to process your request:

  • Sender e-mail address
  • Recipient e-mail address
  • Date and time of the sending attempt
  • Exact error message including log ID

Example error message and log ID:

554 5.7.1 This message was blocked because its content presents a potential security issue.
Please visit to review our message content and attachment content guidelines.

Please note that an analysis is not possible without a protocol ID. Therefore, please always send us the complete error message including the protocol ID.