.swiss Domain

Geographical assignment

TLD Type continent country
.swiss NEW_GTLD ()

Technical information

property value Note
Character length 1 - 63 Domains dürfen maximal aus 63 Zeichen bestehen
Number domains
Special characters (IDN) Supported character sets: ISO_8859_1
DNSSEC DNSSEC-Einträge: 0 - 3
DNS check
The auth-code is required for the transfer
Auth-Code 2
Additional information
· OWNERC/extensions/swiss/enterpriseId
Premium Domains
Transfer confirmation Transfer confirmation via the Admin-C contact
Status update
Registry Lock

Additional requirements

  • The TLD is already in the General-Availability.
  • The registrant of a .swiss domain must demonstrate a sufficient link with Switzerland. This reference may be made through a place of business or a physical administrative headquarters in Switzerland. Next we need a commercial register or the status of association or foundation. Currently registrations are only possible for organizations.

    Creates remain for 20 days "pending" and are verified by the registry. After the 20 days, and successful verification the Create-Job is complete.

Business transactions

Type Supported Auth-Code control
Create Manual order
tld.tasks.task.restoreRenew Manual order
tld.tasks.task.updateStatus Manual order
Update Manual order
tld.tasks.task.restoreARGP Manual order
tld.tasks.task.restoreNE Manual order
Transfer Manual order
Restore Manual order
tld.tasks.task.renew Manual order
Deletion Manual order
Preack Manual order

Root nameserver

# Nameserver
1 anycast10.irondns.net
2 g.nic.swiss
3 ns15.rcode0.net
4 anycast9.irondns.net
5 u.nic.swiss
6 anycast24.irondns.net
7 anycast23.irondns.net