Predeligation Checks for .de domains

The .de domains are provided by the domain registry DENIC eG. DENIC eG is one of the few registries that carry out so-called predeligation checks when registering domains to ensure that the associated autoiterative nameservers have been set up correctly. When a domain is registered or transferred to creoline, the corresponding DNS zone is created in advance, but due to the anycast infrastructure, it may take a few minutes before it is available worldwide.

Check status

First carry out a domain query via the Denic eG website to check the current name server status of your .de domain.

To the Denic domain query

Known errors IN A

Nsentry IN A

If you receive this error message, the predelegation check could not be completed by Denic eG. To resolve the problem, first log in to the creoline customer center at and navigate to the relevant domain.

Then update the nameservers by clicking on Change under Nameserver and then on Save.

Then wait a few minutes until the warning message about the pending update is no longer displayed. You can then call up the Denic domain query again and check whether the correct name servers are displayed.

NAST Predeligation Checks

In addition to the domain query check, Denic eG also provides the NAST Predeligation Check Tool.

The NAST Predeligation Check can be accessed via the following URL:

You can use this tool to query domains in real time to perform the Predeligation Check. In addition, the NAST Predeligation Check can also be used to check the correct DNSSEC setting.