Additional information on the domain order status

Various steps are required for the registration and transfer of different top-level domains. If you have placed the order via our Customer Center, you will receive real-time information on the various steps.

Domain registration

Submit order to the responsible domain registry

In this status, the domain registration request is submitted to the relevant domain registry.

Create new DNS zone

If selected, a new DNS zone is automatically set up via our autoiterative Anycast DNS network and the necessary NS entries are created.

Wait for registration confirmation from the domain registry

Depending on the TLD, it may take several days to register the domain. You can check our TLD Wiki at any time to see whether the "Create" transaction can be processed in real time.

Send registration confirmation to the domain holder

Once the domain registration is complete, the Owner-C contact you have assigned will receive a registration confirmation by e-mail.

Domain transfer

Submit order to the responsible domain registry

In this status, the transfer request is submitted to the new responsible domain registry.

Create new DNS zone

If selected, a new DNS zone is automatically set up via our autoiterative Anycast DNS network and the necessary NS entries are created.

Wait for the transfer release by the old provider

As soon as the domain transfer is in this status, our system waits for the transfer confirmation from the old domain provider. Depending on the TLD, the previous Admin-C contact, for example, may be asked to approve the confirmation.

Please note that the transfer confirmation can take up to 7 days and is processed exclusively via the old provider.

In this status, we have no influence on the domain transfer and cannot accelerate or cancel this process through our support. If in doubt, you can contact your previous provider here to inquire about the status or any further steps required for the transfer.

If you have any questions about the transfer confirmation, please contact your previous provider. They can also provide you with detailed information on the status.

Send transfer confirmation to the domain holder

Once the domain transfer has been completed, the new Owner-C contact assigned by you will receive a transfer confirmation by e-mail.