.sport Domain

Geographical assignment

TLD Type continent country
.sport NEW_GTLD ()

Technical information

property value Note
Character length 1 - 63 Domains dürfen maximal aus 63 Zeichen bestehen
Number domains
Special characters (IDN) Supported character sets: BIG5, EUC_JP, EUC_KR, KOI8_R, KOI8_U, SHIFT_JIS, ISO_8859_7, ISO_8859_1
DNSSEC DNSSEC-Einträge: 0 - 3
DNS check
The auth-code is required for the transfer
Auth-Code 2
Additional information
Premium Domains
Transfer confirmation Transfer confirmation via the Admin-C contact
Status update
Registry Lock

Additional requirements

  • Premium domains (short, memorable and general names) are more expensive in registration optionally also in renewal (e.g. car.tld).
  • To register and renew a .SPORT domain name the Registrant must be an individual or a legal entity with a nexus to the .SPORT community at the time of registration and thereafter. Specifically, Registrants in .SPORT must be recognized performers, organizers, promoters or supporters of federated Sport, or belong to categories of Registrants recognized by the .SPORT Policy Advisory Board (PAB). Eligible Registrants include, inter alia:
    a. Sports Performers and Organizers: This class of registrants is intended to encompass those individuals, businesses, and organizations that produce sport content as publicly visible performers or organize and structure it. Specifically enumerated members of this group include: athletes, clubs, trainers, support staff, events, governing bodies, etc.
    b. Corporate Partners: This class of registrants is intended to encompass businesses, and organizations who support the production of sport content by providing resources in exchange for sport-related visibility, including sponsors and media.
    Validation of said nexus will be carried out on a case by case basis by the Registry Operator. Registrants are required to state the intended use for the registered domain name. A false statement of intended use is an indication of bad faith and may be the basis for the suspension of the domain name.

Business transactions

Type Supported Auth-Code control
tld.tasks.task.updateStatus Manual order
Restore Manual order
Preack Manual order
tld.tasks.task.renew Manual order
tld.tasks.task.restoreARGP Manual order
tld.tasks.task.restoreNE Manual order
Transfer Manual order
Update Manual order
tld.tasks.task.restoreRenew Manual order
Deletion Manual order
Create Manual order

Root nameserver

# Nameserver
1 anycast10.irondns.net
2 anycast9.irondns.net
3 anycast24.irondns.net
4 anycast23.irondns.net