.com.sv Domain

The .com.sv domain belongs to the group of country code top-level domains com.svType and therefore has a unique geographical assignment to the country El Salvador (SV).

Geographical assignment

TLD Type continent country
.com.sv CCTLD NORTH_AMERICA El Salvador (SV)

Technical information

property value Note
Character length 1 - 63 Domains dürfen maximal aus 63 Zeichen bestehen
Number domains
Special characters (IDN)
DNS check
Auth-Code 2
Additional information
· OWNERC/extensions/general/vatNumber
Premium Domains
Transfer confirmation Transfer confirmation via the Admin-C contact
Status update
Registry Lock

Additional requirements

  • Domains must be registered and managed via our free trustee service.
  • It takes up to 6 weeks to register a domain.
  • Domains can be registered without restrictions.

Business transactions

Type Supported Auth-Code control
Update Manual order
Preack Manual order
Deletion Manual order
Transfer Manual order
Create Manual order

Root nameserver

# Nameserver
1 dns-ext.nic.cr
2 sir.red.sv
3 ns.dns.br
4 a.lactld.org