Create e-mail inbox


To create a new e-mail inbox, first log in to the Customer Center with your access data.

Then use the Hosting tariffs menu item to select the desired tariff for which you would like to create a new e-mail account.

You can create a new e-mail address via the E-mail mailboxes menu item.

  • E-mail address

    Enter the desired mailbox name here. If you have assigned more than one domain to this tariff, you can also select the desired domain from the drop-down menu.

  • Password

    The password is required for subsequent login via our webmail or an e-mail client. You can use the Generate button to suggest a secure password.

Then don't forget to save your mailbox using the OK button.

IMAP / POP setup in an e-mail program:
To set up your e-mail mailbox in an e-mail client, such as Apple Mail or Microsoft® Exchange®, we have summarized all the necessary server information in the following article: Setting up an e-mail inbox in an e-mail client