Execute Shopware CLI console

An SSH connection to the server is required to use the Shopware 5 CLI console. Depending on your operating system, you may need additional software.

Operating system Software Download
Windows Putty https://www.putty.org
macOS Terminal System Application
macOS iTerm 2 https://iterm2.com
Linux Terminal System Application

Establish connection to the server using SSH

To connect to the hosting server using the SSH protocol, please use the access data from the corresponding hosting tariff. Select the desired tariff in the Customer Center under Hosting tariffs and then click on Access data to view the SSH access data for the tariff.

After successfully logging in via SSH, navigate to the root directory of your Shopware installation:

cd /httpdocs

Execute Shopware CLI console

The Shopware CLI console can then be executed via bin/console to display all available commands.

Syntax for Shopware CLI Commands

All Shopware CLI commands are executed with the following syntax:

bin/console <command>

Helpful Shopware CLI Commands

# Clear the Shopware cache:
bin/console sw:cache:clear

# Warm up the Shopware HTTP cache:
bin/console sw:warm:http:cache

#Listing of all installed plugins:
bin/console sw:plugin:list

#Listing of the Shopware cronjobs:
bin/console sw:cron:list

# Execution of the Shopware cronjobs:
bin/console sw:cron:run

Further information

You can find more information about the Shopware 5 console directly in the Shopware Docs:

Shopware CLI https://docs.shopware.com/de/shopware-5-de/tutorials-und-faq/shopware-cli