Verification of ownership


When ordering Sectigo SSL certificates, it is necessary to confirm the verification of ownership for the respective domain.

Basically, the DV (Domain Validation) verification method must be completed before the Sectigo SSL certificate is issued.

Test method DV (Domain Validation)

When ordering Sectigo SSL certificates, you can select under Configure in the order process whether you want to confirm the verification of ownership via DNS validation or via e-mail validation.

DNS validation

During DNS validation, a DNS entry of the RR type CNAME is required to confirm the ownership of the domain.

You can find out how to add DNS entries in our help center article under:

Create DNS records

You will receive further information and what the entry must look like by e-mail after completing the order.

E-mail validation

During e-mail validation, you will receive an e-mail from the certification authority to confirm ownership of the domain.

OV Certificates (Organization Validation)

SSL Certificates with Organization Validation (OV) provide an additional layer of online trust by authenticating the identity and legitimacy of the organization.

Verification methods for OV certificates

The following validation methods are required in addition to the above domain validation.

An organization must prove that it is the owner of the domain name it wishes to secure and confirm that it is a legally registered business.

The verification process involves more complex methods of validation, including a certification authority (CA) confirming details such as the company name and location before issuing the certificate.

You will receive all important information about the organization validation by e-mail from Sectigo.

EV certificate validation method (Extended Validation)

Extended Validation (EV) SSL Certificates offer the highest level of trust of all digital certificates and are the industry standard for business websites.

An EV SSL certificate is recommended for all business and corporate websites, but is especially important for websites that request personal or financial information from users (e.g. eCommerce).

Verification methods for EV certificates

The following validation methods are required in addition to the above Domain Validation & Organization Validation.

To obtain this type of SSL/TLS certificate, an organization must confirm details such as the legitimate company name, location and ownership of the domain name.

This is followed by a verification process that must be completed by a human before the certificate is issued.

You will receive all important information about Extended Validation by e-mail from Sectigo.