Export certificate
To export an existing SSL certificate, you can select whether you want to download the respective certificate components individually (as base64
encoding) or as a PFX
Export certificate as PEM (Base64)
Select the desired certificate via the certificate management in the Customer Center under Certificates. You can download the certificate as a ZIP archive via the Settings → Export as PEM certificate menu item.
The provided ZIP archive contains the following components:
- Server certificate (Server Certificate)
- Private key (Private Key)
- Intermediate certificates (CA bundle)
Export certificate as PFX
For some services, such as Microsoft® Exchange, SSL certificates must be imported in PFX format. Select the desired certificate via the certificate management in the Customer Center under Certificates. You can download the certificate as an encrypted PFX certificate via the Settings → Export as PFX certificate menu item.
For PFX certificates, a password is required for the download. You can use your own password or use the Generate password function to automatically generate a secure password.
Click on the Export certificate button to start the download automatically. Use the downloaded file to import it into the desired server service.