How do I set up the creoline CDN for Shopware 5?


First download the creoline CDN plugin for Shopware 5 via the Shopware Store or via the Shopware backend in the Plugin Manager area.


Various configuration options are available for the plugin.

Setting Available values Description
Enable Creoline CDN Yes / No With this setting you can enable/disable the plugin for the individual stores.
CDN domain The CDN domain is the domain that has been entered as the CDN domain in the creoline customer center. It is important to note that https:// must be entered.
Load CSS via CDN * Yes / No To get the maximum performance and optimal score in Google Page Speed, it is recommended to load the CSS via the CDN. Please note that this is only possible from Shopware version 5.6.x.
Load JS via CDN * Yes / No To get the maximum performance and optimal score in Google Page Speed, it is recommended to load the JS via the CDN. Please note that this is only possible from Shopware version 5.6.x.

* Please note that the functions Load CSS via CDN and Load JS via CDN are only available from Shopware version 5.6.

CDN configuration in the customer center

Open the CDN resources via the menu item Content Delivery Network in the Customer Center. If you have not yet created a CDN resource, you can configure a new CDN resource using the Order CDN resource button.

Once the new CDN resource has been provided and synchronized, you can configure all other settings for the resource. Further information on the setting options can also be found in our Help Center article Set CDN settings.