Renew SSL certificate

This Help Center article shows you how you can easily renew your expired or soon to expire SSL certificate in the Customer Center.

By default, we will inform you by e-mail when a remaining term of 30, 14 and 3 days is reached.

Renew SSL certificate

You can view all the important information about your SSL certificate in our customer center. If the remaining term of 30 days has been reached, you will receive an e-mail reminder to renew the certificate in good time.

Navigate to your SSL certificates in the customer center and select the SSL certificate to be renewed.

Customer Center - SSL Certificates

If you call up the certificate in the customer center, you will see the most important information for your SSL certificate and can also extend the term of the certificate here. To do this, use the Extend term button or the link under Term to extend the term.

If you wish to extend the term, the certificate will be added to your shopping cart and you can complete the order.

You can configure the certificate in the shopping cart and complete the order.

Please note that the new certificate must then be stored on the corresponding servers for the domains.

If you would like to use our SSL installation service for this, you can select this in the configuration in the shopping cart and complete the order with the SSL installation service.