DynDNS host names

To create a new DynDNS hostname, first log in to our customer center at account.creoline.de with your access data.

You do not need your own domain or DNS zone to create a DynDNS host name. If you operate DNS zones via our Anycast DNS network, you can also use your own domain names instead of the domain names we provide.

Create hostnames

Navigate via the sidebar to the menu item DNS → DynDNS.


You can create a new DynDNS hostname using the Create hostname button.

Create DynDNS hostname

If you operate your own DNS zones via our Anycast DNS network, you can use your own domain names in the DynDNS domain drop-down menu.

If you do not operate your own DNS zone via creoline, you can use the following provided DNS zones for your DynDNS hostname:

Provided DynDNS domains

Fill in the Hostname field with the desired hostname. Only letters and numbers can be used for the host name. The host name must also consist of at least 4 characters.

Once the host name has been successfully created, you can call up the detailed view of the host name by clicking on the previously created host name:

Update API

The update API can be used to update the IP address of the DynDNS hostname from an external device. Step-by-step instructions for the most common routers can be found in the help center article DynDNS setup.

Example update request:

A GET request with the corresponding access data against the endpoint of the update API is required for the update. The authorization of the request must be implemented using HTTP basic authentication.


GET https://api.creoline.com/dyndns/update/?domain=demo.dyndns.app&ipv4=

Parameters Description
domain The full hostname of the DynDNS hostname
ipv4 The new IPv4 address

Remove hostname

To remove an existing hostname, call up the detailed view of the hostname you want to remove. You can then remove the host name via the menu item Settings → Remove host name.

Make sure beforehand that the host name is no longer in use, as the removal of the host name cannot be undone.

Please note that removed DynDNS hostnames can only be re-registered after 90 days.

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