Expiry notifications

The expiry notifications for our certificates serve to protect you in good time before your SSL certificate expires. After a new SSL certificate has been successfully issued, you will automatically receive an e-mail 30 days, 14 days and 3 days before expiry, informing you of the necessary renewal.

Disable notifications for a certificate

If the SSL certificate is no longer in use and you do not wish to receive notifications about the upcoming expiry, select the certificate in our Customer Center via the Certificates menu item. Then click on the certificate for which you want to deactivate the notifications.

Deactivate expiry notifications

Then select the Deactivate setting for the Expiry notifications option to deactivate all future notifications.

You will no longer receive e-mails about the expiry of this certificate.

Enable notifications for a certificate

If you want to reactivate the notifications at a later date, use the Activate button in the Expiry notifications area.

If the certificate expires in less than 3 days, you will not receive any notifications by e-mail even if this setting is activated.